PPE Request

Please fill out one request per department or facility. Forms with incomplete/insufficient information will be returned for further revision. Requests that do not fall within ordering guidelines will not be filled until the following week. Requested PPE is for the treatment of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients ONLY; you must ensure you are following your Tier CDC guidance.

Given the high demand for PPE globally, by submitting this request you are verifying this request is for no more than a ONE week supply. This will ensure that we can continue meeting small requests on an as-needed basis.


  • Hospitals
  • Health Care Providers
  • EMS/Local Fire
  • Long-term Care Facilities
  • Local Law Enforcement


  • PPE requests will be prioritized on a weekly schedule.
  • Submit requests by noon every Thursday.
  • MCEMA will coordinate approved requests for pick-up/drop-offs on Fridays.
  • Requests will not be held from one week to the next.